.dat Knowing Brothers Thoughts.

A new show for me again! This time, it’s cable channel, JTBC’s ‘Knowing Brothers’ — a super crazy variety show. Crazy, because the cast is made up of crazy peeps that are not afraid to dig into each others wounds (don’t worry, they’re still buddies offscreen…I hope) and give no mercy to the guests. Airing […]

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.dat Goblin— Homestretch Impressions.

‘Goblin’ Homestretch Impressions As the finale scheduled to air this weekend nears, datcheebie presents to you some thoughts.WARNING: There are spoilers towards the end, but will be marked with a caution-tape line. How can a drama be so beautiful?

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I LIVE ALONE Full Episode List

I LIVE ALONE is an MBC variety show that portrays the daily lives of celebrities who live alone. As this is a show that has been running since 2013, with 245 episodes to date, it was quite difficult compiling a full list of episodes as I could not confirm the appearances myself by watching the […]

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.datInstafamous kCelebrity.

Instargrams Good one, right? In the world of Korean entertainment, our favorite stars reach out to us first, dedicating a whole lot of time to writing witty statuses or sharing tear-jerking stories. On Instagram, which Yoo Jae-suk kinda fell in love with, our favorite stars post pictures on a regular basis to update us on […]

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