datWhile You Were SleepingReview.

Despite what people said about Suzy’s performance in “Uncontrollably Fond,” I was not deterred from sinking my teeth into this drama. Personally, I’ve experienced multiple déjà vu moments in my life, and these carry more meaning for me because I don’t really dream (or I just don’t remember them), so a story that revolves around […]

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.dat Ruler: Master of the Mask Thoughts.

With Yoo Seungho, Kim So Hyun, Kim Myung Soo (Infinite’s L) and Yoon So Hee leading, I was drawn to this drama. Maybe because things aren’t going our protagonist’s way right now, I am extremely frustrated with the drama and find myself skipping over a lot of the scenes, but at about three quarters into […]

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.dat 2017 Drama — Top 10 Picks.

Hi everyone! I know we’re just at the halfway mark for 2017, but I figured with all the amazing dramas 2017 had for us, might as well start a bit early! I tried my best in terms of “ranking” the dramas I actually watched this year — from this year (Signal aired back in 2016, so […]

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.datInstafamous kCelebrity.

Instargrams Good one, right? In the world of Korean entertainment, our favorite stars reach out to us first, dedicating a whole lot of time to writing witty statuses or sharing tear-jerking stories. On Instagram, which Yoo Jae-suk kinda fell in love with, our favorite stars post pictures on a regular basis to update us on […]

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.datkDramathatwasworth2x. — UPDATED

Greetings Mortal! Errr… I guess we’re on equal footing then… Anyways, here are some dramas that were good enough to watch a second time! (These, I legit watched twice): Sungkyungkwan Scandal: Squee~ (once again, not a pig!) Song Joongki, Yoo Ah In + Park Yoochun + Park Minyoung + crossdressing – the works.

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